Sunday, May 31, 2015

Unlimited Forgiveness!!

Tonight's sermon was really informative about Satan falling from Heaven to the earth but I have to say my favorite was this morning's reminder that God still loves me! 
That's been a big one on my mind this weekend and I feel like it was helpful to other's but that it was like the Holy Spirit wanted to single me out and let me know that God doesn't have limited forgiveness but will do it countless times! I may fail over and over again but I shouldn't get discouraged because each time I run to Jesus might be the last time I fall in that sin again!
There are always consequences for every sin so we shouldn't assume we can take advantage of God's grace because that's not what His grace is for. But we should always be ready to run to God and confess (from the heart) that we've sinned and He will be more than willing to forgive us!
All that to say, God is good and that doesn't even begin to sum His greatness up.

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