Wednesday, August 12, 2015

37 Weeks Pregnant On Tuesday!!!

Next week is super baby week!  I will be 37 weeks pregnant on Tuesday!!!
I am so ready to pop!! And I am really beginning to hurt more, but I still wouldn't trade my little girl in for the whole world!
Some lady came up to Nick and I at Meijer and guessed that we were having a boy. Of course, she continued on after we told her she was wrong to tell us this was the first she'd been wrong out of about 50 pregnancies, so now Nick thinks it might be a boy all over again. He really is keeping his hopes on that. I'm glad he'll be happy either way! It's so cute when he talks to her and she moves with almost a renewed energy. He's going to fall in love with her even more when she gets here!
I'm trying to get last minute plans put together and I still need to pack my hospital bag. I'm not 100% sure I know what I need yet, so I should probably start working on that as soon as possible.
Tuesday evening is the Hope Center class and appointment with an advocate (one of my favorite advocates!! :D ), and in the morning is the wrap up at the hospital of signing papers to get ready to have the baby, hopefully not to long after, and following that is the first doctors appointment where I think they will check to see if I'm dilated at all!
Wednesday (if Nick is able to get it off!) is when we do our birthing class together and possibly go get some baby clothes together!
(She's grown so much since this
 ultrasound! This was our very
first time getting to see our
sweet Baby Autumn! <3 )

I'm still going to go all natural so please keep me in your prayers for that! :D
Any suggestions for natural delivery then please put them in the comments below. Honestly, any advice will be very much appreciated!
In the mean time, I'm getting nervous and thinking of all the questions I may have forgot to ask the doctor so any good questions to ask her would be great to hear about too!
Thank you, Autumn, for teaching me how to love in a whole different way! I hope you see how blessed we are to have you in our lives one day! God has been so good to us and He's used you as our blessing in so many ways! Especially to me! I love you! <3

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